Going from left to right,
- Row 1 had Serrano peppers, Baja peppers, pretty and sweet peppers.
- Row 2 with the trelles had wattermellon.
- Row 3 had pumpkin nearest the flowers and iceberg lettuce opposite.
- Row 4 farthest right has carrots and raddishes.
This is the middle section of my garden.
- The trellis on the right has12 homestead tomatoe plants planted.
- The middle trellis has 10 beefsteak tomatoe plants planted.>br>
- The far left trellis is where my cucumbers are growing.
- This is my gala apple tree.
- The other apple tree is a gold rush.
- This is another view of the front of my garden.
- The Marigolds are comming in nicely!
- This is the back of my garden where I grow my corn.
- This is an overall view of my garden with both apples trees.